Kona Freedivers
- Your local experts in freediving Hawaii -
Our goal at Kona Freedivers is to provide you with the expert knowledge, skills, and equipment needed to enjoy the underwater world safely and comfortably. Kona Freedivers specializes in the highest level of freedive training available in Hawaii with expert instructors, top of the line freediving gear, and amazing freediving opportunities both locally and abroad. For an unforgettable underwater experience, call Kona Freedivers today. Our crew is built of experienced freediving instructors, freediving record breakers, spearfishers, underwater photographers, and all around freediving enthusiasts to guide you through your Kona freediving journey.

Contact Us
Kona Freedivers
Tel: (808)464-6584
Email: info@konafreedivers.com
74-5583 Luhia St. A121
Kailua Kona, HI 96740

Consider Taking Freediving Courses Hawaii with Us
Are you looking for a vacation that gets you away from the daily grind while also having a chance to come home having learned a new skill? You should check out freediving courses Hawaii has some of the best freediving classes available in the world! You can learn to freedive with some of the best divers in the world. Freediving classes in Hawaii are some of the best because we have some of the best ocean conditions for learning to freedive.
Kona is a town located on the western side of the Big Island of Hawaii. It's the largest island in the state of Hawaii's island chain. The island is essentially a massive volcano that pokes out in the middle of the ocean. It's farther from any other landmass than anything else in the world. This means that it's a stopping off point for lots of ocean critters. It also means that we have some of the most endemic critters only found here in the world with 30% of our fish species being only found here in Hawaii. The fact that the Big Island is just a massive volcano that is currently active means our coast is rocky and rough lava formations. This makes for some really great reef freediving opportunities. This means you will find caves, swim-throughs, caverns, arches and canyons of lava to freedive and play in. The steepness of the sides of our island home make for a great opportunity to access deep water easily. Swimming just a few hundred feet off of shore can get you over a hundred feet deep. The fact that the big island is mostly composed of fresh lava rock also means that the water quality is exceptionally good above and beyond anything you will find on the other islands in the Hawaiian Island chain. This means you can be floating on the surface of the sea and still see the bottom when the bottom is very deep. This makes for some pretty epic freediving scenarios. It also makes for a great environment for teaching freediving courses Hawaii.
Why would anyone want to take a freediving class? There are a number of reasons to learn to freedive in Hawaii and just to learn in general. If you're already comfortable swimming and being underwater a freediving class will simply give you a new tool for your toolbox that allows you to go deeper for longer and really get close to what a dolphin experiences on the daily. Learn to freedive if you are really comfortable underwater. Freediving will teach you all about your body and how to use it effectively to stay underwater and do it safely too! The safety aspect of freediving cannot be overlooked. Safe diving requires certain practices and having a buddy that is trained and able to rescue you should you need it. One of the difficulties with freediving training is educating people why they need it. Many divers will come into the shop and pick up a pair of fins thinking this will be the best money they can spend to improve their diving. While this may help a bit, by far the best bang for your hard earned dollar is going to be taking a freediving course Hawaii. Freediving is all about how you use your body underwater. The gear you purchase will certainly aid you, but if you don't know how to drive, it doesn't matter if you own a Ferrari or a Ford because you won't be able to use either effectively or in the case of freediving efficiently.
Some people think they can learn to freedive on YouTube. This is like trying to learn martial arts on YouTube. You will not become the next Bruce lee or Jackie Chan by watching their movies! Taking a freediving courses Hawaii means your instructor will be there while you dive to watch everything you do underwater. They can then give you the most pertinent feedback based on their observations working stepwise though all of the techniques that need improvement until you develop the habit of diving well consistently. Unlike dancing where you can look into a mirror this is not available in the ocean. Your instructor will give you the best and most pertinent feedback.
There are a few different freediving courses Hawaii has but few match the effectiveness of the Fii courses taught by Kona Freedivers. We have been teaching Fii (Freediving Instructors International) courses since 2016 to thousands of divers. We are the only Fii facility on the Hawaiian Islands. Our instructors love teaching freediving and we have seen many students gain skills they never knew they had. It's a joy to see students come back and talk about the places their newfound abilities have taken them. The world's surface is mostly covered in ocean so why not take advantage of the great blue and get yourself Dailed with freediving courses Hawaii here in Kona.
There are several different courses available but they all start with level 1 freediver. Level 1 Freediver will give you the solid foundation you need to be a safe and comfortable freediver diving to 20m meters or 66 feet. With this foundation in place you can then progress to other levels or even take a spearfishing course. Without this foundation it would be difficult to advance. It's much like building a house with a shaky foundation. You must have a solid base to go higher or in the case of freediving, deeper! If you have questions about why you should come to learn to freedive Hawaii in Kona give us a call! We would be happy to discuss if this is the right choice for you. So sign up for one of our freediving courses Hawaii and begin the freediving journey that others can only imagine.